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Kudos Are In Order:
AAUW Florida Board Members Make an Impact in the
University of South Florida
Lanibda We are thrilled to celebrate the efforts of AAUW Florida Membership Director, Marjorie Fontalvo, Ed.D., who recently made a significant impact by engaging with local university students to
promote voter participation. The event was a tremendous success, with the “It’s My Vote” stickers running out in less than an hour, showcasing the enthusiasm and engagement of the
students at USF.
Kudos and Thank You, Dr. Fontalvo!

AAUW SUN CITY FUNDRAISER a total success! THANK YOU @mrsflorida24 for attending and supporting our scholarships for women and girls in our community ❤️
Sun City and event for the Spring 2024 and other. We attended the AAUW FL SW Regional Conference 2024 💪 in Venice and energized our minds by enjoying a full day of topics covering include; Leadership Training, Shared Branch Successes, Public Policy Initiatives, Growing Membership, and details on the upcoming Vote for Bylaw change to the definition of AAUW member. We had time to mingling with fellow AAUW members.
Woman of Distinction Award on March 16,2024. Joan was recognized for her lifetime of community service and leadership. Joan a member of ELI: Campaign Against Human Trafficking SouthShore, Women’s Club of Sun City Center, Interfaith Council of Sun City Center, the Beth Israel Sisterhood, SWAG and many more.
Illeana Cintron –Ass’t Director of Enterprising Latinas, Angela Maze– President of AAUW. LouAnn Rossdeutscher—President of Campaign Against Human Trafficking
AAUW at HCC Student Fest 2024
Several SCC AAUW members visited with students, faculty and friends at the 2024 HCC Student Success Event, Tuesday, February 13, 2024 at the HCC campus.
Sally Dittman created a great game of questions and answers for our booth visitors! The students indicated they learned a lot, and of course they thoroughly enjoyed the prize, candy! One of the questions was: Who is the first Female President of HCC? Answer-Answer- Dr. Jennifer Wells China, PHD. 1st female President of HCC South Shore Campus. Our team had a great time reinforcing the mission of AAUW: The American Association of University Women (AAUW), officially founded in 1881, is a non-profit organization that advances equity for women and girls through advocacy, education, and research. The organization has a nationwide network of 170,000 members and supporters, 1,000 local branches, and 800 college and university partners. Its headquarters are in Washington, DC
Fundraiser February 04, 2024
Thank you to all that attended our murder mystery “Scorned in SouthShore” it was SOLD out! SCC Pelican Players James Williams and Kevin Steiner of the Pelican Players brought their own personalities to add to the fun flavor of the cast. Thank you Pelican Players.
General Meeting December 9, 2023 Tech Trek campers, now 8th graders, tell about their camp experiences.
Summer 2023 Events
This past Tuesday we had a wonderful gathering with new members Peggy Hannon, Jacqueline Brown, Amy MacDougall, Mary Sadowski, and Laura Butler at Sue’s home. Board members Orene Brown, Angie Maze, and Patsie Ginley attended as well. Personal histories were shared and common connections were found. Peggy and Laura discovered that they had both taught in Department of Defense Schools in the far east and knew some of the same people. Small world! We all felt a common connection and want to do this kind of thing again. See pictures below.
See the General Meeting tab to see details of our next meeting, and meet us there.
In February we expect to raise money for the fourth scholarship with the Pelican Players performing their mystery play, Murder at Flontrachet Vineyard.
Mark your calendar for our January 14 , 2023 meeting when we will have the president of our local Campaign Against Human Trafficking, Lou Anne Rossdeutscher, speak to us about saving women from sex slavery, an unfortunate occurrence in the Tampa area. January is the national month to highlight this problem and to seek solutions.
January 2023
by Susan Nasrani, Branch President
Happy Holidays to all! In the holiday spirit, the Board voted to give four $1000 scholarships to women (at least 24 years of age) to attend Hillsborough Community College next year. Thank you so much, Patsie!
Thank you to all those who donated clothing, cleaning supplies, gift cards, and money to Holiday Giving Day, sponsored by Girls of the World, Inc. I took all of them to Lea Manningham at her Girls of the World office right after our December meeting.
Saturday, May 11, 2019 Scholarship General Meeting at HCC
Participants at the AAUW and HCC Partnership Meeting
The May general meeting was our Hillsborough County College South Shore partnership meeting, chaired by AAUW Treasurer Vicky Langston and HCC Executive Assistant Brenda Sanchez and held at HCC. There were about equal numbers of AAUW and HCC staff and students in attendance. We inducted new officers, with Susan Nasrani heading Membership and Vicky Langston extending her term as Treasurer.
HCC Graduating student and speaker Ocean Levine with AAUW Treasurer Vicky Langston
We heard a very stirring presentation by graduating student Ocean Levine, about determination and excelling despite the challenges you may face.
AAUW Membership recipient HCC graduate Charlmaine Lee with AAUW Member Margie Castligia and HCC Foundation Manger Ann Menchen
Also in attendance was graduating student Charlmaine Lee, who received our free AAUW national membership.
April 18 – Bridge to Education Fundraiser
This game day event included a luncheon and ann individual player bridge game, which Alice Benson won.The winners of the bridge groups were also recognized for their winning performance during the 2018-2019 season. The winner of TLCB was Carolyn Wight. Edith Rice was the winner of 8 No and to repeat her winning season Alice Benson was the winner of the Bridge Belles.
The bridge players of the three special interest bridge groups play monthly and contribute to the educational fund that supports the MOST IMPROVED GIRL in the 4th grade classes at Ruskin and Wimauma elementary schools. The winners who are selected by their classroom teachers receive a Certificate of Achievement and a year’s subscription to the magazine, AMERICAN GIRL.
April 13, 2019 General Meeting – Equal Rights Amendment
Barbara Scinta presenting the Equal Rights Amendment
Barbara Scinta gave us a fantastic presentation on the Equal Rights Amendment. Although it has not yet been ratified by the required 38 states (we only need one more!), there has been progress made in the last few years. In addition, there are legal challenges to the deadline that was placed on the ratification process.
Barbara had non-binding resolutions for our Florida representatives for our signatures. She also gave us petitions to ratify the Equal Rights Amendment in Florida to get more signatures to remind our representatives that this is still important and still needed.
AAUW SCC/SouthShore President Diane Waronka presenting AAUW-FL Certificate of Appreciation to member Ginny Ewing
At the meeting, AAUW SCC-SouthShore President Diane Waronka presented an AAUW-FL state certificate of thanks to member Ginny Ewing for her generous contribution to AAUW-Florida. This was announced at the AAUW Florida state convention.
April 5, 2019 Tech Trek Pizza Party for our Tech Trek Campers
2019 Tech Trek Campers Madison, Jenedith and Alicia with Beth Shields Principal Colleen Carr, AAUW Tech Trek Assistant Director Kathy Vore, Beth Shields Tech Trek Liason Chloe Gerbec
2019 Tech Trek Campers with certificates and supplies donated by the branch
We had a pizza and cake party for our three 2019 Tech Trek Campers, and two 2018 Tech Trek Campers. At the party, we provided the 2019 campers with a certificate and the supplies they need to live on a college campus for a week. We gave the 2018 campers a journal with a positive inspiring message on the cover.
Several family members and Beth Shields staff members joined the AAUW Tech Trek committee members to support the girls. Ally’s mother was a past recipient of an AAUW scholarship, so we are helping generations, We all had a great time at the celebration.
March 9, 2019 General Meeting Honoring our 2019 Woman of Distinction, Liz Gutierrez
2019 AAUW SCC/SouthShore Woman of Distinction, Liz Gutierrez of Enterprising Latinas
Liz Gutierrez, Founder & CEO of Enterprising Latinas, Wimauma
Liz has won the honor of Woman of Distinction for 2019 due to her commitment for helping the citizens of Wimauma in ways that match the goals of AAUW to empower women.
Liz is a first generation American whose parents immigrated from the Dominican Republic when she was six. She has a Masters of Science in Community Economic Development from Southern New Hampshire University. Passionate about social justice, Liz has spent the whole of her professional life working for and with communities to address issues of economic, educational and health disparities. Her contributions as an advocate for disenfranchised communities and tenacity as a community organizer, have changed the character and conditions of communities in the Northeast and Southwest of Florida.
The award was presented at the March 9 brunch meeting where she gave a presentation of the success and goals of Enterprising Latinas. Enterprising Latinas staff members as well as students were also invited to attend. More information about Liz and Enterprising Latinas can be found at this website:
AAUW member Ginny Ewing at the Wimauma Women’s March
Liz encouraged us to attend the First Annual Wimauma Women’s March on March 23. AAUW member Ginny Ewing was there, and provided an emotional and rousing perspective of the march.
The following is an excerpt from her report: “We also chanted in Spanish and English Equal Pay,” Igual Paga,” When do we want it? NOW! Cuando la queremos? AHORA! What do farmworker women deserve? Health, Safety, and Prosperity now! Que merecen las trabajadores de campo? Salud, Seguridad, Prosperidad ahora! Loud speakers, maracas and tambourines kept us in unison. … A woman farmworker addressed us and spoke of her personal history.”
The full report is in our May newsletter. Ginny also reminds us that Wimauma Opportunity Center is still looking for donations of hats, scarves, bandanas and long sleeve shirts for sun protection for the farm workers. They can be dropped off at the Center, 5128 SR 674 (former location of Rachel’s restaurant).
Thursday, February 14, 2019 Tour of PACE Hillsborough County
SCC AAUW and Campaign Against Human Trafficking representatives Sally Dittman (left) and Diane Waronka (center) donating heart pillows made by the SCC Women’s Club
Diane Waronka, President and Sally Dittman, Member recently visited PACE to make a delivery of heart pillows made by the Sun City Center Women’s Club for Valentines Day. The girls loved them!
During the visit we were given a tour of the facilities and discussed several opportunities for AAUW to help with projects at the Center. PACE serves around 70 teenagers who are failing or at risk of failing in school. Besides working with Hillsborough County Schools to get the girls up to grade level and back on track, PACE provides many “life opportunities” for these teenagers. Many go on to complete 2 or 4 year degrees in college! We do an annual contribution to PACE through donations at our December meeting. We donated $200 of books to the PACE girl’s library using funds generated through the FunFest book sale.
February 9, 2019 –LETHAL LUAU FUNDRAISER LUNCHEON was a huge success with the Pelican Players keeping us intrigued.
Who knew a murder could be such fun? Thank you Banquet Masters for the elegant meals! Thank you to all members. guests and the entire Pelican Players Staff!
Raffle ticket table
And the winner of one of the raffles!
January 30, 2019 Hillsborough County College SouthShore: “Come to the Shore” 10th Anniversary Event
Vicky Langston at the AAUW table at HCC 10th Anniversary
AAUW Members braved the cold weather to have an outdoor information table at the Hillsborough County College – SouthShore Campus 10th Anniversary Event. The table generated a lot of interest by faculty and students – we ran out of materials to distribute!
The event celebrated 10 years of this campus, with food, awards and music. Our branch has partnered with HCC for several years by providing scholarships to mature students.
All HCC-SouthShore students are eligible to have a free national AAUW membership.
January 12, 2019 9:30 AM AAUW-SCC/South Shore General Meeting
2018 Tech Trek Camper Tamyra Walker discussing growing crystals.
The first speaker was Tamyra, one of our Tech Trek 2018 student campers and a student at Beth Shields Middle School. Tamyra opened up her presentation with a little of her background with interests in music and math. She discussed her Tech Trek activities, including rockets, crystal growing and app programming.
Her message of empowerment and believing in your self resonated with the AAUW members. We thank her for that great presentation!
Our next speakers were Bevan Gray-Rogel, President and founder of Encore Tampa Bay and Marilyn Cote-Miller, Director of the Sun City Center Community Association. Bevan and Marilyn discussed the increased need for volunteerism in Sun City Center (see article in Tampa Bay Times, “Volunteer Need Continues to Grow in Sun City Center, SouthShore Area“, and how to encourage more people to participate as team members in supporting our community to meet more people and get a sense of purpose and accomplishment. There is a variety of opportunities to help, using the skills that people have developed in their work careers and hobbies, from advocating for senior victims of fraud to cooking for the emergency squad. Examples of some of the current opportunities can be found at Sun City Connects website. Anyone interested in finding out more about the full range of activities can call Marilyn Cote-Miller at 813-633-3500 to discuss interests or fill out this Sun City Center Connects interest form.
Sandy Dillmuth, Marilyn Cote-Miller and Bevan Gray-Rogel
December 8, 2018, 9:30 AM AAUW- SCC/South Shore General Meeting
Darla Otey of PACE Center for Girls Hillsborough spoke about PACE programs and the impact PACE has on the lives of at-risk girls. Additional PACE staff, volunteers and a participant in the PACE program also attended.
PACE Center for Girls has have developed a nationally recognized, research-based non-residential program model that features a balanced emphasis on academics and social services, with a focus on the future for middle and high-school aged girls and young women. It has garnered recognition nationally as one of the most effective programs in the country for keeping girls from entering the juvenile justice system.
A record $780 was donated by members at our December meeting for Holiday gifts for PACE Hillsborough girls.
Darla Otey of PACE speaking at December meeting. Photo by Nancy Ducharme
AAUW SCC/SouthShore Members Sandy Dillmuth and Diane Waronka with attendees affiliated with PACE. Photo by Nancy Ducharme
November 10, 2018 Fashions Lunch and Trunk Show Presented by Accessories & More
The fundraiser was a great success! Over 100 people attended this event, viewing and buying stylish clothing, purses and jewelry.
AAUW members on stage modeling the great fashions for sale – Photo by Nancy Ducharme
Event organizer Sandy Zeligman with Angela from Accessories and More and Bev Fletchall – Photo by Nancy Ducharme
Sally Dittman trying to decide what to buy – Photo by Rosie Clifton
October 13, 2018, 9:30 AM AAUW- SCC/South Shore General Meeting
Guests at October 2018 Meeting: Kaylee Peavler, one of our Tech Trek campers; Tia Brown, Principal of Beth Shields Middle School; Pat Ross, AAWU Florida State President; and Rina LaRosa, Beth Shields teacher.
One of our 2018 Tech Trek campers, Kaylee, gave us a debriefing about the camp. We were all impressed with her poise under pressure. The other camper, Tamara, who possessed the presentation materials was unable to attend due to a family emergency. So Kaylee gave an off-the-cuff presentation with no materials.
Florida AAUW President Pat Ross was present and gave us insight into the Florida goals for the year and various ways to contribute to the organization.
February 8, 2020 WINTER FUNDRAISER LUNCHEON was a huge success with the Pelican Players presenting their new Comedy play “Make ’em Laugh”.
Fhe set of linked skits and songs generated plenty of laughter from all men and women in the audience. Thank you Banquet Masters for the elegant meals! Thank you to all members. guests and the entire Pelican Players Staff!
Raffle table
Pelican Players!
Saturday, January 11, 2020, General Meeting – What’s New at Gannon
Gannon University representatives Dr. Jennifer Castelli, Shaylynn McGrath and Taylor Dake with AAUW members President Diane Waronka (l) and Sally Dittman (r)
Dr. Jessica Castelli of Gannon University gave us an overview of the history and purpose of the university. The Ruskin location is the second location for the university, and provides education for advanced degrees in physical therapy, occupational therapy and related disciplines.
Gannon representatives answering AAUW members questions
Two students, Shaylynn McGrath and Taylor Dake, discussed student life and coursework for the occupational therapy degrees.
This was followed by a tour of the gorgeous facilities in Ruskin.
Saturday, December 14, 2019, General Meeting – Gift of Education
This meeting was all about education and results of our fundraising activities.
2019 Tech Trek Campers with mothers, Beth Shields advisor and AAUW president
Our three Tech Trek campers gave great insightful – and funny – presentations about their experiences at the camp this summer. They all said it was a fantastic experience. The 2019 coordinator at Beth Sheilds, Rena Eagan, told us about the initiatives the school is doing to further the students’ education. Ana Seguro spoke about the impact of the camp opportunity for her daughter, and Amber Bass spoke about the impact that an AAUW scholarship had on her and her family.
HCC Foundation Manager Ann Menchen introduced one of our latest scholarship recipients, Charity Ativalu who spoke about the impact of having the scholarship eliminating the need to go into debt to go to school.
HCC Foundation Director and 2019 scholarship winner with AAUW members
We collected over $500 for PACE Hillsborough girls Christmas presents.
And we gave each member in attendance a present of the book, “Tourist Season” by Enid Shomer, the topic of our upcoming April meeting.
We all agreed this was one of the best December meetings we have had.
Saturday, November 16, 2019 Salute to Veterans of World War II Fundraiser Event
We had a jam-packed event saluting our veterans of World War II. SCC AAUW President Diane Waronka started it off by recounted the Pearl Harbor experience of Sun City Center resident USN Commander Ed Socha, who was not able to attend the meeting.
Then Grace Weismantel from Kings Point recounted her experiences taking advantage of the opportunity for accelerated nursing training in the US in return for a commitment of military service.
Grace Weismantel discussing her WWII nursing experience.Kim Freeman talking about her role in calculating location for radar in England.
Next we heard from Kim Freeman from Freedom Plaza, who was recruited to support the British military, doing math calculations on the spot to track planes on radar crossing the English channel.
Maureen Patrick presenting the American Red Cross in Great Britain
Our main presenter, Maureen Patrick, a living history interpreter, author, and scholar, portrayed the experiences and history of the American Red Cross helping the British before America’s entry into World War II.
Colin Howgill discussing the impact of the Red Cross in Great Britain
Maureen was followed by Brigadier General Colin Howgill from Sun City Center, recounting how much the American Red Cross deployment of food, clothing, and other essential made a difference to the British during World War II. Maureen also brought with her pictures of actual Red Cross deployments and examples of the prisoner of war boxes and uniform.
The Banquet Masters buffet of carved steamship round of beef, crab stuffed sole, mashed potatoes and peas and carrots contributed to the British connection of the them.
And we had four lucky attendees who won a $100 Visa card, a basket of wine, a basket of food or a basket of books. It was a fun and informative day.
For more pictures of the event, click here.
Saturday, October 12, 2019 Presentation by Mary Ann Worthington on the life and accomplishments of Beate Sirota Gordon
Mary Ann Worthington and Diane Waronka holding the book “The Only Woman in the Room” by Beate Sirota Gordon.
Our first regular meeting of the 2019-2020 season was inspiring. Our own member Mary Ann Worthington discussed her research on the life of Beate Sirota Gordon. Ms. Sirota Gordon was instrumental in bringing civil rights to Japanese women after World War II through her work on the Japanese constitution “As the Only Woman in the Room” (which is the title of her autobiography). She also brought Japanese arts to America. It is amazing what one person can accomplish. Following Mary Ann’s presentation, we had a good discussion of where gender rights and responsibilities are, and are not, in today’s USA.
For those who want to read the biography of Beate Sirota Gordon for more details, see the link to the book in the new books tab of our website, here. Kudos to Mary Ann for bringing the biography of this great woman to our attention.
Even though many of our snowbirds were not back in town yet, we had a full house due to about a dozen guests participating in the event -free admission for all guests and 1/2 price national membership for anyone who joined at the event.
Saturday, July 13, 2019 Luncheon to Celebrate 50th Anniversary of Florida Ratification of the 19th Amendment to the US Constitution.
Members Celebrating 50th Anniversary of Florida Ratification of the 19th Amendment
Florida ratified the 19th Amendment to the US Constitution of May 13, 1969. 16 of us, including 3 guests, celebrated the occasion with a luncheon. We discussed the history of the suffrage movement in Florida, and had some fun with games and a SWAG bag highlighting the year 1969.
An excellent source for more information on the Florida suffrage movement and its leaders is the Winter 1995-1996 issue of The Forum, published by the Florida Humanities Council. You can download it by clicking on this link:
June, 2019 Tech Trek Camps
This year we sent three campers from Beth Shields Middle School to two different Tech Trek Camps. See full article about this year’s camps under About Us – STEM
Madison and Jenedith attended the new Stetson University Camp. Alicia attended the Florida Atlantic Camp, with some pictures of her experience below.
Alicia testing the bridge she built at camp.Alicia with her dorm group and Senior Counselor at Abacoa Country Club at start of Women’s Professional Night
The following is an excerpt from a thank-you note from one of the campers regarding her camp experience:
Thank you so much for choosing me to go to Tech Trek. I’ve already had so much fun and I’m working hard. I have a total of two days left and I made so many friends already. Which is really not common for me, I’m very introverted. When I heard about this camp I wasn’t so interested but my friends insisted, and I loved it. Thank you so much!